gotta a chuckle outta me
gotta a chuckle outta me
oh so dats were it came from. real solid animation here btw
it realy is just da 2 mario bros enjoyin ice cream. i dont know why i think there waz gonna be anything more
I waz already laughin my guts off. Then the funerel part came up and couldnt stop laughin for a solid minute
hahhaha lol. My guts r all over the floor now
thx. i didnt feel like sleepiing 2nite
i thought it was real
[She eats it in one go] .....geezus cwist gurl slow down. u gonna get brain freeze
Edit: wtf dey actualy banned ur woman month video?! What gives?!
edit: nvm
It got rated M. I don't think it's banned is it?
OH MIEN GOT! Dis is crazy! Why was it banned again?
I've ben doodlin. Pepole seem 2 like my stuff so i keep makin it 4 them
10/22/24: damn...1k reviewz? heh datz surprizing
(11/3/24) Guess im an editor now
O' Hard Knox
Joined on 1/29/23