oh now dis very nice. a mastuh piece even
oh now dis very nice. a mastuh piece even
its gud effort. luks half way there 2 rockstar style
it looks ok
thot it was just gender bent elsa. dis guy gliterz more than a twilight vampire
but they did change alot of thingz from the orignal just to rewritee amy into a bland character imo
dis luks nice
oh i luv dis!
....dis is just downrigh horrifying
oh dis is really creepit stuff :)
dis haz sucha cozy feelin 2 it
I've ben doodlin. Pepole seem 2 like my stuff so i keep makin it 4 them
10/22/24: damn...1k reviewz? heh datz surprizing
(11/3/24) Guess im an editor now
O' Hard Knox
Joined on 1/29/23